Monday, October 10, 2016

Running Update:
10/8/16  26.2 miles in 4:28:25
Another race done!  Yesterday was the Eversource Hartford Marathon.  We had a cool, overcast day, but the rain held off, so it was good weather for running.  I wasn’t my best time, but it also wasn’t my worst, and I am pleased to be able to say now that I have run 10 marathons in order to help #EndNF!

At mile 6, still fairly fresh

Running through Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Arch to the finish line

Finish line!

All done!

The Family

Marcia and Neil, my running partner

The Bling

This post, courtesy of Women’ Running Magazine, sums up how I feel about racing:

     pre-race: why did I sign up for this? 
     mid-race: why did I sign up for this? 
     post-race: omg so happy I signed up for this! 

Given that, I’ve signed up for the Guilford Half Marathon on November 13 :)

NF Update:
In 2016 so far, Jane and I have fundraised
for the Children’s Tumor Foundation!  Add to that the $7556 we solicited for NF Northeast for the Boston Marathon this spring and you can see we have raised $22,337 for NF charities in 2016!  Thank you to all of our wonderful and generous donors!

If you haven’t donated yet this, you still can!  (You could be the one to put us over $15,000!) Our site will be open until the end of the year:

Jane Update:
Jane and I return to NIH in less than two weeks for her next check-up and MRI.  We will, of course, keep you posted here.

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