Saturday, March 13, 2021

NIH Day 7

More milestones today!

In the past 24 hours, Jane has only needed Tylenol for pain.  I can’t believe this is the same girl who was requiring morphine 48 hours ago.  She was able to shower for the first time since surgery—boy, did that feel good.  She ate more today (A grilled cheese sandwich!  A Rice Krispie Treat!)  We did laps around the unit and even got to walk outside briefly.

Our unit is adjacent to a courtyard in which patients can walk.

Signs of spring

I feel like dancing!

Barring anything unforeseen, we’ve been told we can go home tomorrow morning.

We’ll follow up with the team remotely as Jane recovers.  We won’t restart her selumetinib until she is completely healed from the surgery—4-6 weeks?—since selumetinib can interfere with wound repair.  We’re still waiting on the pathology report for the tumor that was removed, and on the MRI volume analysis of the original, plexiform neurofibroma still on her face and jaw.  The radiologist on our team doesn’t think there has been any change there, but it will nice to have that confirmed.

So, ya know, just being discharged tomorrow after a major surgery in a different state for a rare tumor during a pandemic, NBD.  How was your day?
