Thursday, March 17, 2022

A race postponed...

Get Well flowers from the NF Endurance Team!
Those folks are the BEST <3

I am very disappointed to write this update—on many levels—but I won't be able to run in the NYC Half Marathon this weekend.  After two years of avoiding it, COVID finally caught me.  I feel so defeated!  Two whole years of working on the "front lines", all the PPE and precaution, and after making it through the Delta and Omicron waves.  UGH!  The kicker is that Todd got sick first--we think that he might have caught it from one of his hockey teammates after the mask mandate was lifted (since he has been working from home for the past two years!)  Miraculously, neither Jane nor Alec have tested positive.  We think either each might have had an asymptomatic case previously, or else they were more protected, having been boosted more recently.  Fortunately, Todd and I are recovering and the worst seems to be over, but I'm trying to resist the urge to do too much, too soon.  I’m also trying to be mindful that this disease has killed six million people worldwide, including almost one million Americans.

On a brighter note, if I had to get COVID, at least it was at the same time as Barack Obama <3

As disappointed as I am about the NYC Half, even more upsetting is that, because of the timing, Helen couldn't come home for her spring break :(  She would have been home when Todd and I were most infectious, so she stayed up at school for the week instead.  Thankfully, she has friends at college who also stayed behind, so she is not alone and is still able to enjoy her break somewhat, but we will miss her.  (Incidentally, she declared her major this month--East Asian Studies and Linguistics.  She's also registered to study in Seoul for her spring semester next year.  We're so proud of her.)

I am still planning to continue with the rest of my spring race schedule, so your donations will not be in vain!  The Cheshire Half Marathon ( is April 10--I should be in good post-COVID shape by then—and the Providence Marathon is on 5/1 (

The good news is that I KNOW I won't have COVID for either of those races :)

In the meantime, you can enjoy this new video from the Children’s Tumor Foundation NF Endurance Team, which includes me (before I caught COVID!)